Indian Ocean Territories

Covering 744,070 square kilometres of remote tropical ocean, reef and lagoon habitat, the Indian Ocean Territories (IOT) network is the newest addition to the Australian Marine Parks. Established in March 2022, these new parks will help protect the unique marine environments of Australia’s IOT and support positive social and economic outcomes for local communities and […]


There are eight Australian Marine Parks off the coast of the Northern Territory and Queensland covering 157,480 square kilometres that make up the North Marine Parks Network. The region has shallow-water tropical marine ecosystems and a large area of continental shelf. Coral, invertebrates, and phytoplankton are all highly diverse, and fish such as snapper, emperor […]


There are 13 Australian Marine Parks off the coast of Western Australia covering 335,341 square kilometres that make up the North-west Marine Parks Network. These marine parks include coral reefs, soft sediments, canyons and limestone pavements. Seabirds, sharks, whales, dolphins, marine turtles and dugong are found here. This allows visitors to experience wildlife around offshore […]


There are 14 Australian Marine Parks off the coast of South Australia and Western Australia covering 508,371 square kilometres that make up the South-west Marine Parks Network. These parks include mid-slope terraces, deep abyssal plains, marginal plateaus, underwater mountain chains and submarine canyons – including Australia’s largest underwater canyon, the Perth Canyon. Biodiversity hotspots include […]

Temperate East

There are eight Australian Marine Parks off the coast of New South Wales, making up the Temperate East Marine Parks Network. Here you’ll find important offshore reef habitat around Elizabeth and Middleton reefs, and the internationally-renowned tourism destinations Norfolk Island and Lord Howe Island. These marine parks cover 383,339 square kilometres, and are rich with coral, crustaceans, […]

South-east > Apollo

Apollo Marine Park is a place of cool, shallow waters, huge south-westerly swells, strong tidal flows and foraging seabirds. For sailors, it is one of the most notorious stretches of water in the world. This marine park protects an area of continental shelf at the western entrance to Bass Strait. During the last ice age, […]


There are 14 Australian Marine Parks off the coast of Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania, covering 702,033 square kilometres. Together they make up the South-east Network. These marine parks include striking features such as underwater canyons and mountains, as well as the diverse marine life associated with them, some of which is new to science […]