
There are eight Australian Marine Parks off the coast of New South Wales, making up the Temperate East Marine Parks Network. Here you’ll find important offshore reef habitat around Elizabeth and Middleton reefs, and the internationally-renowned tourism destinations Norfolk Island and Lord Howe Island. These marine parks cover 383,339 square kilometres, and are rich with coral, crustaceans, echinoderms, molluscs and sea sponges. They support the vulnerable black cod, marine turtle and bony fish, as well as being important breeding grounds for seabirds. Migratory humpback whales make their way through the region annually on their way to breeding grounds in Queensland. – Parks Australia

The Temperate East Network spans the shallow (<30 metres) to abyssal (4,000-6,000 metres) depth zones, with the majority of the Network (49%) falling within the lower-slope zone (2,000-4,000 metres) [view on map].

Based on annotations from publicly available seafloor imagery (Squidle+), the five most dominant seafloor categories in this Network are:

  • Shallow: macroalgae (38%), sand (33%), coral biota (17%), bacterial mat (4%), unidentified (2%)
  • Mesophotic: macroalgae (50%), sand (22%), bacterial mat (12%), mixed invertebrate community (8%), coral biota (5%)
  • Rariphotic: macroalgae (44%), sand (41%), unidentified (7%), granule (3%), sponges (1%)
  • Upper-slope to Abyss: no public imagery available
All data
Public/analysed data
Coverage and accessibility of bathymetry (AusSeabed) and habitat observations (SQUIDLE+; green, GlobalArchive; purple, and MARS database; orange) for selected region.

What's known about the Temperate East network?

The current state of research knowledge (bathymetry, physical and biological observations, seafloor habitat maps) for this region.
Habitat and bathymetry summaries last refreshed August 2024. Habitat observations are refreshed weekly from data providers.


Habitat Area (km²) Mapped (%)
% of coverage (relative to surveyed area)
Total (%)
% of coverage (relative to total region area)


Resolution Area (km²) Mapped (%)
% of coverage (relative to surveyed area)
Total (%)
% of coverage (relative to total region area)

Habitat Observations

  • 0 imagery deployments (0 campaigns)
  • 0 video deployments (0 campaigns)
  • 0 sediment samples (0 analysed) from 0 surveys

Research Effort

Data Quality

What's in the Temperate East network?

Underwater seafloor imagery and dominant seafloor annotations from this region.


Loading imagery deployment data...

Pressures acting on the Temperate East network

The pressures and activities occurring in this region.

Pressures & Activities