
The Bremer Marine Park includes habitats that are representative of the Albany Canyon Group, a feature consisting of 32 canyons that cut deeply into the continental slope. These canyons are believed to be associated with small periodic upwellings that enhance productivity and attract aggregations of marine life. Sea lions, orcas and humpback whales are regular visitors to Bremer Marine Park, creating a hive of marine activity alongside calving southern right whales and the wheeling and diving of foraging seabirds.

The park is approximately half-way between Albany and Esperance, offshore from Fitzgerald River National Park. It covers 4,472 square kilometres, and has National Park and Special Purpose (Mining Exclusion) zones. – Parks Australia

Bremer ranges from 37 to 4,365 metres depth, with an average depth of 1,654 metres. The majority of the park (43%) falls within the lower-slope zone (2,000-4,000 metres) [view on map]. The mapped areas of the seafloor are dominated by Plane (33%) and Slope (31%) morphological features [view on map].

Seafloor imagery (Squidle+) exists for this Park but has not yet been annotated.

All data
Public/analysed data
Coverage and accessibility of bathymetry (AusSeabed) and habitat observations (SQUIDLE+; green, GlobalArchive; purple, and MARS database; orange) for selected region.

What's known about the Bremer marine park?

The current state of research knowledge (bathymetry, physical and biological observations, seafloor habitat maps) for this region.
Habitat and bathymetry summaries last refreshed August 2024. Habitat observations are refreshed weekly from data providers.


Habitat Area (km²) Mapped (%)
% of coverage (relative to surveyed area)
Total (%)
% of coverage (relative to total region area)


Resolution Area (km²) Mapped (%)
% of coverage (relative to surveyed area)
Total (%)
% of coverage (relative to total region area)

Habitat Observations

  • 0 imagery deployments (0 campaigns)
  • 0 video deployments (0 campaigns)
  • 0 sediment samples (0 analysed) from 0 surveys

Research Effort



Imagery (campaigns)
Video (campaigns)
Sediment (surveys)
Bathymetry (surveys)

Data Quality

What's in the Bremer marine park?

Underwater seafloor imagery and dominant seafloor annotations from this region.


Loading imagery deployment data...

Pressures acting on the Bremer marine park

The pressures and activities occurring in this region.

Pressures & Activities