
East Gippsland Marine Park includes representative examples of an extensive network of canyons, and continental slope and escarpment environments. The varied seafloor terrain in this region interacts with large-scale eddies associated with the East Australian Current, and causes episodic productivity events that drive phytoplankton blooms. These blooms are the basis of the food chain, and support fisheries and high biodiversity within the area, including top order predators, marine mammals and seabirds.

The park lies south-east of the New South Wales-Victoria border at Cape Howe in deep waters off the continental shelf. It covers 4,137 kilometres and is a Multiple Use Zone.Parks Australia

East Gippsland ranges from 604 to 5,276 metres depth, with an average depth of 3,219 metres. The majority of the Park (48%) falls within the lower-slope zone (2,000-4,000 metres). [View on map] The mapped areas of the seafloor are dominated by Plane (48%) and Slope (27%) geomorphology. [View on map]

Read more about the East Gippsland State of Knowledge (Parks Australia).

All data
Public/analysed data
Coverage and accessibility of bathymetry (AusSeabed) and habitat observations (SQUIDLE+; green, GlobalArchive; purple, and MARS database; orange) for selected region.

What's known about the East Gippsland marine park?

The current state of research knowledge (bathymetry, physical and biological observations, seafloor habitat maps) for this region.
Habitat and bathymetry summaries last refreshed July 2024. Habitat observations are refreshed weekly from data providers.


Habitat Area (km²) Mapped (%)
% of coverage (relative to surveyed area)
Total (%)
% of coverage (relative to total region area)


Resolution Area (km²) Mapped (%)
% of coverage (relative to surveyed area)
Total (%)
% of coverage (relative to total region area)

Habitat Observations

  • 0 imagery deployments (0 campaigns)
  • 0 video deployments (0 campaigns)
  • 0 sediment samples (0 analysed) from 0 surveys

Research Effort

Data Quality

What's in the East Gippsland marine park?

Underwater imagery from this region, and pressures and activities occurring here.


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Pressures & Activities