South-west > Western Kangaroo Island
Western Kangaroo Island Marine Park includes an escarpment which is part of an ancient coastline. The park includes representative examples of habitats and ecosystems of the Spencer Gulf Shelf. Seasonal winds and ocean currents interact with seafloor features to produce a number of small seasonal upwellings that are important for biological productivity. The area is […]
Temperate East > Central Eastern
Central Eastern Marine Park links the continental shelf to the Tasmantid Seamounts, a far offshore chain of extinct undersea volcanoes. These seamounts and canyons interact with currents and ocean gyres resulting in upwellings that influence biological productivity within the region. This acts to concentrate marine life, and Central Eastern Marine Park attracts aggregations of tuna, […]
Temperate East > Cod Grounds
Cod Grounds Marine Park is the smallest of all the Australian Marine Parks. It is the northernmost reef in a series that extends to the south and south-west, with predominately rocky substrate that provides habitat for a coral, sponge and seaweed communities. Humpback whales visit this area on their north-south migration, many species of seabirds […]
Temperate East > Gifford
Gifford Marine Park protects a 2000 metre high flat-topped undersea volcano called Gifford Tablemount. This is a key ecological feature that makes up a part of the larger Lord Howe Seamount Chain, a series of submerged mountains running 1000 kilometres north to south from the Coral Sea to Lord Howe Island. Ecosystems within the Gifford […]
Temperate East > Hunter
Hunter Marine Park extends from shallow shelf waters out to the deep ocean. It includes shelf rocky reefs and a series of canyons that cut through the continental slope, funneling nutrients and sediments that enhance the productivity and diversity of the surrounding waters. Associated plankton blooms are thought to support over 50 fish species endemic […]
Temperate East > Jervis
Jervis Marine Park is in an area famous for its clear waters and abundant marine life. The park is adjacent to the New South Wales Jervis Marine Park and Commonwealth Booderee National Park. Together these parks protect a wealth of naturally and culturally important places including land and sea country of the Wreck Bay people, […]
Temperate East > Lord Howe
Lord Howe Marine Park is situated at the southernmost limit of coral reef formation, about 550 kilometres offshore of New South Wales and adjacent to the state government Lord Howe Island Marine Park and World Heritage Area. The convergence of tropical and temperate water masses in this Marine Park provide increased nutrients that enhance productivity, […]
Temperate East > Norfolk
Norfolk Marine Park surrounds Norfolk Island, an offshore land mass recognised for its commercial and conservation values. Running through the marine park is the Norfolk Ridge, a long, narrow, steep-sided undersea ridge with seamounts and pinnacles. It acts as a line of oceanic stepping stones for faunal dispersal of deep water species between New Zealand […]
Temperate East > Solitary Islands
The Solitary Islands Marine Park is a unique region where the warm waters of the East Australian Current meet cooler waters from the south, bringing together tropical, subtropical and temperate marine comunities. The inhabit both subtidal reef and soft sediment habitats in relatively undisturbed waters. The park includes Pimpernel Rock, a submerged pinnacle rising to […]
Coral Sea
The Coral Sea Marine Park is one of the world’s largest marine parks, and lies off the coast of Queensland. The marine park has a diverse array of habitats, such as coral reefs, sandy cays, deep sea plains and canyons, as well over 15,000 square kilometres of reef which supports distinct communities of marine flora […]