Shark Bay Marine Park is the ocean gateway to Shark Bay. It is influenced by the Leeuwin, Ningaloo and Capes currents, and is host to many species listed as threatened, marine or cetacean under the EPBC Act. Loggerhead turtles use this region during their interesting period, and humpback whales migrate through the park each year. Shark Bay Marine Park also provides important breeding habitat for many listed vulnerable and migratory seabirds.
The park is located 60 kilometres offshore of Carnarvon, adjacent to the Shark Bay World Heritage site and the Western Australian Shark Bay Marine Park. It covers 7,443 square kilometres, and is a Multiple Use Zone. – Parks Australia
Shark Bay ranges from 58 to 204 metres depth, with an average depth of 95 metres. The majority of the park (87%) falls within the rariphotic zone (70-200 metres) [view on map].
No public seafloor imagery (Squidle+) is currently available for this Park.
What's known about the Shark Bay marine park?
Habitat and bathymetry summaries last refreshed August 2024. Habitat observations are refreshed weekly from data providers.
Habitat | Area (km²) |
Mapped (%)
% of coverage (relative to surveyed area)
Total (%)
% of coverage (relative to total region area)
Resolution | Area (km²) |
Mapped (%)
% of coverage (relative to surveyed area)
Total (%)
% of coverage (relative to total region area)
Habitat Observations
0 imagery deployments
(0 campaigns) -
0 video deployments
(0 campaigns) -
0 sediment samples
(0 analysed) from 0 surveys