Shelled Biota

Biota with a shell.

Level 4 definitions

  • Mixed Shelled Biota: A habitat where the dominance of a single Shelled Biota group (Oyster, Mussel, Screwshell, Other) cannot be identified, or where the composition/biomass/surface coverage of the second-most dominant group lies within 30 % margin of the most-dominant group.
  • Mussel: An area dominated by accumulations of living mussels attached to a substratum.
  • Other Shelled Biota: An areas dominated by accumulations of living shells other that oysters, mussels, clams of screwshells, that are attached or closely associated with the substratum.
  • Oyster: An area dominated by accumulations of living oysters attached to a substratum.
  • Screw Shelled Biota: Areas dominated by accumulations of living screw shells.

Primary domain: Biotic Component
Classification level: Level 3
Parent classification:
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Additional samples