Teamwork makes the dream work. Seamap Australia partners and collaborators.

The success of Seamap Australia relies on the strength of its marine community partnerships and collaborative efforts. Partnership in Seamap Australia ensures the community has ready access to the most recently available benthic habitat data.

On this page

The Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies

The Seamap Australia project is led by the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) at the University of Tasmania. IMAS and the University also provide support for Seamap Australia to ensure its ongoing sustainability as the national repository for benthic marine habitat data.

Seamap Australia partners

Seamap Australia benefits from the generous contribution of our partners in the Australian research community, recognising the need for a national repository and nationally consistent spatial layer of benthic marine habitats.



Data for State of Knowledge analytics

In order to generate analytics to determine state of knowledge in our marine parks and regularly update the data using automated workflows, we have worked with partners from SQUIDLE+, GlobalArchive and Geoscience Australia.  We would like to acknowledge the support of team members from these other organisations and data portals.

IT Services

The Seamap Australia platform requires a lot of hardware, software and attention to keep running. The University of Tasmania IT Services provide critical support to establish and keep these systems running and we are grateful for their support.

Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN)

The AODN is the data management facility of the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) and provides many services to the broader marine data management community. A significant amount of the software infrastructure used at Seamap Australia is based on the AODN and draws on their considerable expertise. We wish to acknowledge and thank the team at AODN for their support.

Our funders

Funding for Seamap Australia has principally been provided by the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC, previously ANDS), Parks Australia, and the National Environmental Science Program (NESP) Marine and Coastal Hub.


The talented people behind the design of the Seamap Australia website and mapping interface are Tom Kakoschke from Huzzah Studios and Nat Jeanneret from Onetonne.

Seamap version 1.0 collaborators

For many years, the marine science community discussed and planned the formulation of a national benthic habitat classification that could be applied to the entire Australian continent for scientific and management purposes. In 2016, a group of these scientists, led by Professor Craig Johnson from the University of Tasmania, successfully gained funding to establish the classification and a web portal to collate and interact with the data.


Project sponsors

We wish to acknowledge the support of our project sponsor organisations for making the Seamap Australia version 1.0 project possible.

  • Australian National Data Service (ANDS, now ARDC)
  • The Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS)
  • The Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS)
  • The Tasmanian Partnership for Advanced Computing (TPAC)


Data layer

We wish to acknowledge all of our partners from each state and territory that ensured that we did not over look any data sets, and made sure that the data was processed and ready to add to the Seamap Australia national data layer.

All spatial data that contributed to the Seamap Australia product is also available in its native format with metadata via the Seamap Australia and Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN) portals.


National, state, and territory collaborators

Seamap Austrlalia would like to acknowledge the following collaborators, and highlight their contribution to this collection:

  • Associate Professor Daniel Ierodiaconou [Deakin University] Victoria
  • Dr Alan Jordan [Department of Primary Industries] New South Wales
  • Dr Tim Ingleton [Department of Environment] New South Wales
  • Alison Wright [Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources] South Australia
  • Dr Adrian Flynn [Fathom Pacific Pty Ltd] Victoria
  • Lawrance Ferns [Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning] Victoria
  • Dr Scott Nichol [Geoscience Australia]
  • Kim Finney [AODN]
  • Dr Michael Rasheed [TropWATER, James Cook University], Queensland
  • Dr Alexandra Carter [TropWATER, James Cook University], Queensland
  • Professor Jessica Meeuwig  [University of Western Australia], Western Australia
  • Department of Parks and Wildlife, Western Australia
  • Neil Smit [Department of Land and Resource Management], Northern Territory